Day Tours from Somaliland and Hargeisa
1. Custom Car Rental and Carpool, Domestic Flights, Cooks and Staff and Courses or Housing in Somaliland (Hargeisa)

2. Laas Geel Caves, Dhagah Gure Ancient Rock Art, and Hargeisa City Tour
The most popular tourist site in Somaliland, caves dating back from around 9,000 BC.3. Sheikh Mountains Roadtrip and Hike and Hargeisa City Tour
Trip into Somalias Highlands with nature and scenery, in a safe range of the country.4. Somaliland Coast, Berbera, and Hargeisa City Tour (with optional boat BBQ)
Excursions to the Best beaches in Somaliland and BBQ Fish Boat Cruise, and culture and scenery and communities in Hargeisa and Berbera.